Distinguish Guests, Members, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Welcome to our 2019-2020 HKCCMA Annual General Meeting (AGM). COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 has changed our working conditions and workplace. This is the first time that AGM is held online. Today, HKCCMA decides to cancel the 2020 CMEA award nomination. Instead, the long-awaited 2019 CMEA award will be presented.
As a credit management practitioner, I would like to help more businesses facing dilemmas with my professional knowledge. Best wishes for economic recovery in Hong Kong in 2021 and continued success of HKCCMA and all HKCCMA members!
At this point, my sincere thanks to the 2019 - 2020 Committee Members for their loyalty and contribution provided to this Association.
• The 2020-21 members of the Executive Committee are as following; (In alphabetical order)
➤ Jeffrey Chan, FCCMA, CCP, FRM – Credit Risk Manager of Bank of China
➤ Anthony Cheng, MCCMA, CFE, CAMS, CFCS, CPC – Partner of Aquaseason
➤ Germany Heng, FCCMA, CCP, FCI, CCCE - Deputy Managing Directorof MI Insurance Brokers Ltd.
➤ Vincenzo Resta, Corporate Member - Regional Executive Director, ASIA 1CRIF Spa
➤ Bobby Rozario, FCCMA, MCE – Managing Director of Alpha & Leader Risks and Assets Management Co. Ltd.
➤ Benedict Wong, FCCMA, MCE - President & CEO of Total Credit & Risk Management Group
➤ Peter Wong, Corporate Member – Director of Total Credit & Risk Management Group
➤ Chairman: Bobby Rozario
➤ Vice Chairman: Germany Heng
➤ Secretary & Treasurer: Michelle So
Committee Chairs:
➤ Membership: Jeffrey Chan
➤ Certification, Compliance & Complaint: Benedict Wong
➤ Education: Vincenzo Resta
➤ Publication: Bobby Rozario
➤ Public Relations: Peter Wong
➤ Annual Award: Ricky Chan
➤ Director of Education: Fion Fok
➤ Director of Communication: Carmen Lai
Web Master:
• Our Appreciation: Advisors Panel
The Association maintains a panel of Honorary Advisors in helping us to resolve our daily issues in regards to legal and various governance issues.
➤ ACA International Association, the international organization of credit and collection professionals. Headquartered in Minneapolis, ACA serves members in the United States, Canada and 55 other countries worldwide.
➤ Mr. Victor C. Y. Chan, a qualified solicitor, Partner of Victor Chan and Co., the Association' s Honorary Legal Advisor.
➤ Mr. Ricky J. F. Li, a qualified attorney in China, Partner of Alpha and Leader Law Firm, the Association' s Honorary China Legal Advisor
➤ Mr. Neil Wood, Director of the International Units of the ACA International Association.
• Our Achievement:
1) First Webinar of HKCCMA
On July 13, 2020, Hong Kong Credit and Collection Management Association (HKCCMA) and Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs (SUCCESS), a government organization under Trade and Industry Department (TID), presented a webinar on "Easy Guide to Debt Collection" .
Our Chairman Mr. Bobby Rozario was invited to be guest speaker for this event.
• Our Achievement:
2) First Market Research Paper
HKCCMA published it first market Research paper on "China' s Debt Collection and Mediation Industry" . This 18 thousands words paper in 33 pages published upon conducting a in-depth research on the topic. The paper is written in Chinese. It provide analysis on the history, culture as well as the most recent development of the industry.
• Our Achievement:
3) Poll Questions
The Association has decided the revive its polling on credit risk management topics. The first designed question list is related to "Credit Limit Review" . Each poll will include a series of poll questions to help retrieve the true opinion of the credit and collection population.
• Other Issues: The "Stolen Year"
2020 is the "Stolen Year" for most of us. The Association has tried its very best to maintain it normal course of business in the year although we have to postpone or cancel some of our main regular events.
✖ Annual General Meeting
The Association held an emergency Extraordinary General Meeting on Feb 13 2020. After the EGM, the Executive Committee had issued a resolution to cancel the 2018-2019 AGM
✔ Professional Designation Examination
One examination on the CCP professional designation was held on Sept 16 2020
✖ Quarterly TGIF
Although we have very close in organizing a TGIF in the second quarter in 2020, the sudden surge of infection cases of the COVID-19 in Hong Kong had left us with no choice but to cancel the event
✘ Annual Award
The Association has decided to cancel the 2020 Annual Award as we have postponed the presentation ceremony of the 2019 to this year AGM
Finally, please allow me to, on behalf of HKCCMA,
thank you for making the time to our online AGM and wish you good health and every success in the Year of the Ox!
Thank you everyone!
Bobby Rozario
Hong Kong, February 2021